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Lot 688

Six Compositions by the Dr Shlomo Rubin – Vienna, 19th century

Six compositions by Dr. Shlomo Rubin (1823-1910), of the Haskalah Movement leaders in Galicia, a prolific Hebrew writer and translator of many classic books into Hebrew.
In the volume presented here are bound the following compositions: * [Ga'on Yehuda VeYerushalayim, Vienna, 1869], about ancient Jewish garments and jewelry. Title page and some of the first leaves are missing. * Sefer HaYuvalim named Midrash Bereshit Zutra, Vienna, 1870.l * Sod HaSefirot, Vienna, 1874. * Mech[o]lit HaMavet, Vienna, 1877. * Sefer Yetzira Leha'araviyim, or Even HaChachamim, Vienna, 1874. * Avney Miluim, Vienna, 1876. Volume 21.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Dry and fragile paper. Black paint marks to one of the compositions.