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Lot 682

Regulation Regarding Resettlement of Jews outside the City - Germany, 1745

Demnach der Allerhoechste, deme dessentwegen sonderheitlich unendlicher Danck gebuehret, die Kriegs-Gefaehrlichkeit.
Municipal decree stating that all of the Jewish families have to settles outside the city due to the impending danger of a new war, [Augsburg? Germany], October 26, 1745. German.Trade can only take place at open markets as regulated in an earlier decree issued in 1732.
The decree also informs that if Jews wish to enter the city they need permission from the council and must be accompanied by a soldier. The permit must state the duration of the stay and the places where the bearer wishes to travel to. It is also mentioned that commerce can take place only in open markets, according to a previous decree of 1732. [1] leaf 43X33.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Folded into two.