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Lot 470

Collection of Ketubot, Gittin, Letters and Documents – From the Archive of Rabbi Silver

Collection of Ketubot, Gittin and other documents, from Rabbi Silver's archive. Some of the items: printed Ketubot (some colored and adorned), empty forms and forms completed by hand with signatures; shtarot permitting sale of chametz; documents handwritten by Rabbi Silver; large collection of more than 150 Gittin arranged by Rabbi Silver's Beit Din in Cincinnati and in other cities where he served in the rabbinate, many with inscriptions in his handwriting and with his signature (most Gittin have a "Beit Din Tear" made after delivering the Get as a sign that the Get was delivered to the divorcee according to Jewish law); pamphlet of permission to marry (Heter Me'ah Rabbanim). Buenos Aires, 1950, [6 leaves, bibliographically unknown], with handwritten signatures of rabbis; letters from rabbis etc.
Approximately 240 items. Varied size and condition.