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Lot 428

Manuscript – List of Books in Rabbi Samuel Salant’s Library

Manuscript, "List of the books of my father Rabbi Samuel Salant".
Notebook documenting the library of the Gaon Rabbi Samuel Salant, Rabbi of Jerusalem, in the handwriting of his son Rabbi Beinish Salant. A number of records, some divided into the following categories: “List of books that the Rabbi left before his journey”, “List of books that the Rabbi brought with him,.." , "List of books that the Rabbi purchased in Jerusalem [here, the Holy City]”.
The notebook provides and interesting look into the library of Rabbi Samuel Salant and the variety of books that he possessed. In some of the lists, next to the names of the books their prices were listed.
At the top of the notebook are written the dates “January 1851”, “February 1851” and the signatures “States Benjamin Beinish son of Rabbi Samuel Salant”. He documented in this notebook the books Rabbi Samuel bought during his journey and sent back to Israel before his arrival and the books he brought with him when he returned to Jerusalem.
In 1851, the time of writing the notebook, Rabbi Samuel Salant returned from a journey lasting several years in Lithuania and Poland as the Shadar (collector) of the Kolel Haperushim (including Vilna). His son [one of the public figures in Jerusalem and one of its builders] was about 13 years old at the time.
About 27 written pages. 18 cm. Good condition, stains. New binding.