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Lot 426

Agreement Signed by Rabbi Itzele Blazer, Rabbis and Managers of Kollelim – Jerusalem, 1906

Agreement regarding fundraising campaign from continent of Africa. Arranged between rabbis and managers of institutions of Ashkenazi sect in Jerusalem: “HaVa’ad HaKlali Knesset Yisrael”, Vilnius-Žemaitija Kollel, Etz Chaim Yeshiva and Bikur Cholim Hospital. Jerusalem, 8 Tevet [1906].
Signed by twenty rabbis, including: Rabbi Aryeh Leib Rashkes [among rabbis of Vilnius and Jerusalem], Rabbi Aryeh Leib Beharad [Rabbi Leib Dayan son of Rabbi Aharon David], Rabbi Yoel Moshe Solomon, Rabbi Yitzchak Eliezer Charlap, Rabbi Gedalia Nachman Broder, Rabbi Eliyahu Zev Wolfson, Rabbi Nachum Rogoznitzki, Rabbi Asher Eliezer Levy and others.
Authorization of agreement added on margins of leaf by Ga’on Rabbi Shmuel Salant with stamps [handwritten stamp and official stamp] and by Ga’on Rabbi “Yitzchak Blazer” with signature and stamp.
Rabbi Yitzchak (Rabbi Itzele) Blazer (1837-1907), among prominent disciples of Rabbi Yisrael of Salant. Leading geniuses of his generation and advocate of the Musar Movement. Served in rabbinate of capital city St. Peterburg, and between 1862-1878 was Rosh Kollel of Kovno. In his last years resided in Jerusalem. Composed Pri Yitzchak Responsa and Sefer Kochvei Or which he published together with Sefer Or Yisrael by his rabbi, Rabbi Yisrael Salant.
Official stationery written on both sides. 27 cm. Fair-good condition, tears on folding marks, restored with scotch tape. Stains, filing holes.