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Lot 289

Five Books Signed by Rabbis of Katzin Family

* Seder Tikun Chatzot, Jerusalem, 1897. Section I – complete, and section 2, “Inspiration for Love of Jewish People”, missing end. Signatures of Rabbi “Shaul Katzin”. Handwritten glosses. * Sefer Aderet Eliyahu on the Torah, by the Vilna Ga’on. Halberstadt, [1859]. Signatures of Rabbi “Shaul Katzin” and his son, Rabbi “Shlomo Katzin”. * Sefer Kol Ya’akov on laws of Torahs, phylacteries and mezuzot [for scribe]. Rabbi Ya’akov Chaim Sofer, Jerusalem, 1910. Signature: “He who trusts G-d, Ya’akov Katzin”. * Halachot Ketanot with Halacha Rovachat commentary, Jerusalem, 1895. Signature of Rabbi “Shlomo Katzin”.
Rabbi Shaul Katzin (1864-1916), “The Divine Kabbalist” – Among leading scholars of Halachah and Kabbalah in Aram Zova (Aleppo), immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1891 and studied for three years by Kabbalist Ga’on Rabbi Eliyahu Mani in Hebron. Moved to Jerusalem and was leader of Rechovot HaNahar Yeshiva of his friend HaRav HaSadeh, Rabbi Chaim Shaul Ha-Cohen Dweck, where he served as Shli’ach Tzibur [cantor] of congregation of Rechovot HaNahar. His Torah was printed in the book Klilat Shaul.
His son, Ga’on Kabbalist Rabbi Ya’akov (Shaul) Katzin (1900-1995, Otzar HaRabbanim 9901), sixth generation in rabbinate of rabbinical dynasty of Katzin family from Aram Zova, and son-in-law of Ga’on Rabbi Shalom Hedaya. Established and headed Gan HaLevanon Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Most of his life served as rabbi of Halab congregation Sha’arei Tzion in New York. Authored many compositions in revealed and concealed Torah, of which Or HaLevana, Pri Etz HaGan, Ktzinei Eretz and others were printed.
His second son, Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Katzin (1909-1983), author of Kerem Shlomo Responsa and Divrei Shlomo. Served in rabbinate of various cities throughout Eretz Israel and Egypt. Served as member of Rabbinical Beit Din of Tel Aviv for many years.
5 volumes, various sizes and conditions. Some books contain handwritten additions and glosses.