Lot 133
Long Letter by the Third Slonim Rebbe, Author of Beit Avraham
Long interesting letter, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Avraham Weinberg, third Slonim Rebbe, [Baranovich, 1920s-1930s].
Letter of response to request by Hassidim in Eretz Israel that the Rebbe visit them. Mentioned in the letter are shiduchim for his only son, Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua.
Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the second) of Baranovich, author of "Beit Avraham" (1884-1933). Son of the Rebbe author of Divrei Shmuel, led Slonim Hassidim together with his oldest brother Rabbi Yissachar Leib although most of the Hassidim followed him. He settled in Baranovich where he established the Torat Chesed Yeshiva. He had much contact with the Hassidim in Eretz Iisrael and visited there twice. His renowned series "Beit Avraham" are known for their depth of Hassidic thought.
25.5 cm. 20 handwritten lines. Good condition, folding marks.