Lot 271
Collection of Pins and Badges – Jewish Sports Organizations in Europe
34 pins, plaques, medals and pendants granted on behalf of Jewish Sports Organization as winning prizes or bearing the organization's emblem. Europe, 1920s-30s. Amongst them: thirteen of "Hakoah" Vienna (and "Hakoah" Linz); pins and badges of "HaGibor"; "Bar Kochva" Sarajevo; "Maccabi" Kovno; "Maccabi" Hungary; "Zionist Society of Gymnastics, Maccabi Plovdiv (Bulgaria); "Histadrut of Winter Games Maccabi" – Zakopane; "Maccabi" Brody; "Maccabi" Germany; "Maccabi" Banska Bystrica (Slovakia); "Maccabi Competitions" Prague; Large and exceptional medal with original ribbon for hanging around the neck – "Order of Ancient Maccabeans Beacon" – England; pendant of the second Maccabia in Eretz Israel; pin of the third Maccabia in Eretz Israel, and additional items.