Lot 387
Four Haggadot Published by the Jewish Community Youth Center in Frankfurt
Four Passover Haggadot. Published by the Jewish Community Youth Center in Frankfurt (Jugendzentrum der Jüdischen Gemeinde),1962-1965.
Traditional and partially- traditional Haggadot, in Hebrew and German, with illustrations. The four Haggadot are edited by Naftali Karni and include an epilogue or a foreword by Dr. I.E. Lichtigfeld,( rabbi of Hessen and Chairman of Rabbis Council in Germany). The Haggadah of 1962 is typewritten and stenciled, with plain illustrations. The three other Haggadot are printed and illustrated by Dina Kraus. To the Haggadah of 1964 some illustrations for "The Song of Songs" by D. Bölkow have been added as well as illustrations of the Ghetto and the Holocaust by L. Gurdus. Sizes vary, generally in good condition.