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Haim Nachman Bialik – Collection of Books – First Editions

Nine books, six of them by H.N.Bialik (some are first editions), two by Shaul Tchernichovsky (first edition) and a booklet about Bialik:
1-4. Poems. Book one + book two. Warsaw: "Tushiya", 1901. First edition of H.N. Bialik poems, printed as part of a series named "Hebrew library for every home in Israel". Bound together with: Hezionot Umanginot, poems, book one + book two, by Shaul Tchernichovsky. Warsaw: "Tushiya", 1898-1901 – first edition of Shaul Tchernichovsky's poems. Bound in an original binding of "Biblioteka Ivrit".
5. Aryeh 'Ba'al Guf', story (first collection). Warsaw: Yavne ('literature' dept.), 1905. First edition. Of Bialik's first books.
6. Mishirey HaZa'am. Odessa: Heilperin-Schweizer printing press, 1906. 1st ed. Of Bialik's first books. Includes the poems "Al HaShchita", "Be'ir HaHareiga" and "Yada'ati, beleil arafel…".
7. Mishirey Am (songs and poems). Odessa, 1917. Stereotype printing of Odessa 1910 edition.
8. HaHalacha veHaAgada. Jerusalem: "Ma'aritzey HaHalacha", ca. 1925.
9. Bialik al Hagola (to examine our culture's problems), by J.Y. Glas. Kovno: "Yedidim", 1933. "Ketavim, Booklet A".
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