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Three Publications Concerning Philately – Hoexter / Fluri / Glassman

1-2. Two publications of the series Handbook of Holy Land Philately, by Werner Hoexter and Ernst Fluri: * The Stamps of Palestine - I. The stamps issued during the period of the Military Administration (1918 to 1st July 1920), by Dr. Werner Hoexter, Haifa. Printed in Germany, 1970. English. 57 pp + transparency with samples of postal stamps. * The Minhelet Ha'am Period (1st to 15th May 1948), by Ernst Fluri, Switzerland. Printed, most probably, in Eretz Israel, 1973, English. 82 pp.
3. The Postal History of Jerusalem from 1948, by Emanuel Glassman (in two parts). London: Central Stamp Agency, 1978. English. VI, 138 pp+ 14 additional leaves, photocopied from another book about philately.