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Lot 43

"Pictures of the Holy Land" – Stuttgart, 1839 – Lithographs

Bilder Aus dem Heiligen Lande. Vierzig ausgewaehlte Original-Ansichten biblisch-wichtiger Orte treu nach der Natur gezeichnet von J. M. Bernatz, mit erläuterndem texte von G. H. v. Schubert. J. F. Steinkopf, Stuttgart, [1839]. German.
"Pictures of the Holy Land, forty biblical views according to paintings by J.M. Bernatz, with text by Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert".
38 lithographs (out of 40) portraying views and sites in Eretz Israel and the vicinity – Damascus, Hebron, Tiberias, Mount Carmel, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Joseph's Tomb in Nablus, and more. Include a folding panorama of Sinai. [42] leaves + [38] plates (two missing plates). 32X25 cm. Good-fair condition. Significant staining. Tears to panorama.