Lot 378
Two Books with Signatures and Glosses
* 1-2." Sefer Ha'Aroch MiShach", with" Minchat Aharon", on" Tur Yoreh Deah". Wien, 1809. Ancient Owner's signature and dozens of scholarly glosses.
Bound with: "Shalmei Nedava", on the Talmud. Rabbi Yechiel Michel Kitze, Pressburg, 1838. Approbation by the "Chatam Sofer".
70 leaves; 65 leaves. 34 cm. Good-fair condition, damages to lower margins. Some glosses are slightly cutoff. Binding has worn leather back.
* 3." Sha'arei Chochma – Shev Shemat'ta", with "Sha'arei Yirah". By Rabbi Elazar Lev author of "Shemen Rokach". Prague, 1807. Signed "Matityahu Dushinsky" and other signatures. Long scholarly glosses by two writers, apparently one is Rabbi Matityahu Dushinsky (1864-1892), the eldest brother and teacher of the Maharitz Dushinsky, outstanding disciple of Rabbi Moshe Pollack in the Bonihad Yeshiva, and disciple of Maharam Shick and the "Shevet Sofer". Died at the young age of 28 and left a large Torah yield, part was printed in his brother the Maharitz Dushinsky's books. (See attached material).
[1], 82, [7] leaves. 32 cm. Good-fair condition, stains, damages to title page and other leaves. Most glosses are slightly cutoff. Worn semi-leather binding.