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Lot 214

Rambam – Glosses by the Maharitz Rabbi Yichye Salach and Yemenite Torah Scholars

"Mishne Torah" L'HaRambam, Part 4, "Nezikin-Shoftim". [Jieznas, 1741]. On the first leaf is an ancient ownership inscription: "This belongs to Yichye Ebn Yosef Salach". Many glosses on book sheets. Most glosses are written by another Yemenite Torah Scholar, but some are in the handwriting of Rabbi Yichye Salach. The glosses on the flyleaf are also written by the Maharitz. Rabeinu Yichye Salach – the Maharitz (1804-1859, "Otzar Harabbanim" 9119), the foremost Yemenite rabbi in the 18th century, and one of the leading later halachic authorities. At the age of 43, he was appointed Chief Rabbi and "Ra'avad" of all Yemenite communities. His authority was unanimously accepted throughout Yemen, and until today, many Yemenites conduct themselves according to his customs and rulings.
(Lacking title page) 135, 138-154; 157, [1] leaves. 34.5 cm. Fair condition, stains, wear and moth damage. Has no binding.
Enclosed is certification by an expert of the identity of the glosses' writer.