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Lot 157

Collection of Books Printed in Istanbul and Thessaloniki – Many Signatures and Glosses

*"Yad Aharon", Vol. 1. "Even HaEzer", Istanbul, 1756. Signed by Rabbi "Chaim Elfandri" and Rabbi "Uziel Elchayich" [Tunis Torah scholars in the 1760-1790s, author of "Mishkenot HaRo'im"]." Orim Gedolim". With" Or LaYesharim", Istanbul, 1758. Signed by Rabbi "Ish Tza'ir", and Rabbi "Nissim Ovadia" [Hebron Torah scholars in the 1770s]. Missing one leaf at the end of the index. *"Yadav Shel Moshe – Yadayim Mochichot". Thessaloniki, 1812. Long glosses handwritten and signed by Rabbi "Shabtai Akshuti" [Rabbi in Constantinople and Jerusalem, author of" Kol Shachal", died 1889]. *"Avodat Masa", on tax laws. With a booklet on matters regarding "gittin". Thessaloniki, 1846. Signed by Rabbi "Yitzchak Mizrachi". *"Mizbeach Adama". Thessaloniki, 1777. Signatures of Rabbi "Chaim Shmuel Nachmeas" [a Jerusalem scholar, son of the author of "Hon Rav", died 1782].
5 books, Various sizes and conditions, moth damages.