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Lot 130

Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel Bible – Amsterdam, 1639

Esrim Ve’Arba’a, five Chumashim and Megillot, Nevi’im Rishonim, Nevi’im Achronim and Ketuvim. [Amsterdam, 1639]. Menashe Ben Israel printing press.
Among the very few editions of the Bible which were printed in sanctity during that period by Jews. Two columns per page [similar to Bible which Rabbi Aryeh Levin had a tradition to use for performing “Goral HaGra”].
Colophon at end of book: “Praised be the Almighty, who has accompanied me throughout the entire process… and he has merited me to complete it… and print all twenty four books as I intended…”. (Hebrew date on title page and colophon differ from civil date listed on title page).
Copy incomplete at beginning. 4-112 (missing title page and two leaves); 144, 144-166; 94, [4] leaves. 15 cm. Fair condition, majority of leaves in good condition. Stains, mildew traces on several leaves. Last leaves worn and detached. Ancient leather binding, damaged.