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Lot 76

Collection of Prayer Books, Chassidic Books and Chumashim – Printings of the Shapiro Family of Zhitomir

* Sefer HaZohar, section two. Shemot. Zhitomir, 1863. Printing press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro. (Moth holes). * Prayer book, with Ivri Teitch, supplications and Tehillim. [Zhitomir?], missing beginning and end. * Sefer Ohev Yisrael, Rabbi Avraham, Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro. (Poor condition). * Be’er Mayim Chayim, on the Torah, sections 1-2. Zhitomir, 1860. (Missing title page and first leaves at beginning of section one. Missing at end of section two. * Chumash Devarim, with Or HaChaim and Shabbat prayers. [Zhitomir?]. (Beginning leaves replaced with leaves from different press. Missing end of Shabbat prayers after Shema Yisrael prayer). * Tikkun Leil Shavu’ot, [Zhitomir], (missing beginning and end, pp. 5-320 of 336 pages). * Ein Ya’akov, section two, Zhitomir, 1863. Printing press of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapiro. (Poor condition, moth damage). * Ein Ya’akov, section four. Zhitomir, 1850. Printing press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa, Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro.
8 books, various sizes and conditions. Incomplete and damaged copies. Stamps and signatures.