Lot 259
Seder Tefilah – Livorno, 1799
Seder Tefilah according to Sephardi custom, Livorno, 1799.
Siddur for week days, for Shabat and for Shelosha Regalim, with "Tikun Chanukah", blessings for candle lighting and reading of the Torah, verses for Purim, reading of the Torah; "Seder Hatavat Chalom", "Tefilat HaYam", "Seder Levaya me-Ha'ari La-Yotzeh La-Derech" and Selichot for the month of Elul through Yom Kippur.
Over verso of the title-page there is a Shiviti page with drawin of the Menorah and first verse of Lam'natzeach.
52, 52-136 leaves, 16.5 cm. Fair condition. A few leaves are detached. Leather binding, half worn and partly detached.
Rare! Record in Bibliography Institute CD was done according to this copy, from the collection of Dov HaCohen.