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Lot 228

Templar Tokens

Eleven brass and nickel-plated zinc tokens. Apparently, minted in the royal mint in Wartemberg, Stuttgart, for use by members of the Templar community in their settlements in Eretz Israel. Were cycled from 1880 until the end of World War I (1917).
Written on one side is their value and on the other is a plow which represents the idea of agricultural-industrial settlements, surrounded by the inscription "Centralcasse des Tempels" – The Central Fund of the Temple". Seven tokens belong to a series where the inscription "Consummarke" – "Consumer Token" appears surrounding the value.
Here is a total of three Consummarke tokens brass minted, values 10, 20, and 40 (nearly complete set); four Consummarke tokens minted with nickel-plated zinc, values 5,10, 20, and 40 (complete set); four "regular" tokens, values 5, 10, 20, 40 (complete set).
See: "Jewish Tradition in Art – The Feuchtwanger Collection" by Dr. Yeshayahu Shachar (published by the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1971), Item 1132.