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Chatam Sofer Responsa – First Editions – Glosses by Rabbi Yitzchak Ya'akov Bloom

Volume 1: * Chatam Sofer Responsa, Hilchot Yoreh Deah. Pressburg, 1841. First edition. The first volume of Chatam Sofer Responsa printed after his death. * Chatam Sofer Responsa, Hilchot Orach Chaim. [Apparently this is the first edition, Pressburg, 1855. Attached is a section from a later edition – Pressburg, 1879, and the index leaf at the end has been omitted – regarding the various printings of this edition, see Bibliography Institute CD Listing no. 0325724].
Volume 2: * Chatam Sofer Responsa, Hilchot Even HaEzer. Vienna, 1880. * Chatam Sofer Responsa, Hilchot Choshen Mishpat. Vienna, [1883]. * Chatam Sofer, Part Six [rest of the responsa]. Vienna, [1883].
Scholarly glosses handwritten by Rabbi Yitzchak Ya'akov Bloom, with his signature on one gloss. On the last end-paper leaf of the first volume, four long glosses, in the first, he writes thoughts in the name of his father: "My Teacher ,my father, Rabbi A.B. [Amram Bloom] Rabbi of B[eretty] ó[újfalu]… and so my Teacher my Father… and it is left for me his young son to answer…". Most of the glosses were cutoff when bound, several glosses are faded.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ya'akov Bloom (died 1938, Otzar HaRabbanim 10152), son of the renowned Torah genius Rabbi Amram Bloom, author of “Beit She'arim” and son-in-law of Rabbi Zussman Eliezer Sofer Av Beit Din of Paks. Served as Rabbi of Nagyszentmiklós until 1888, when he was chosen as Dayan in Berettyóújfalu, by his father's side who served there as Chief Av Beit Din. He wrote several works which were apparently lost during the Holocaust [see attached material].
Two volumes. 36 cm. Good condition, stains, wear and tear. Worn bindings.