Lot 269
Collection of Books in Ladino
* Bikurim, Seder Chag HaShavuot [according to Tunisian and Algerian custom. Azharot, Megillat Ruth etc. with Ladino translation]. Vienna, 1889. * La Famiya Mysteryosa, [play]. Trieste, 1889. * Magen David, book for studying Lashon HaKodesh [lit. the Holy Tongue]. David Muskona. Vienna, [1891]. * Seder Mincha Erev Rosh Chodesh, [instructions and translation in Ladino]. Salonika, 1926. * Sefat Zion, Libriko Di Gramatica di Lashon HaKodesh. Benzion Moshe Alkalai. Vienna, 1934. * Machzor L'Rosh Hashana, according to the Sefardim custom. Prayers, instructions and explanations in Ladino. Salonika [Jerusalem], 1911. (Self-dedications and impression on cover of Avraham Yitzchak Bracha. Attached is a leaf from Yom Kippur 1948 – a eulogy on the Salonika community and the Holocaust victims). * Seder Pirkei Avot, with Ladino translation. Tel Aviv, [1959; printed photocopy of the Vienna 1885 edition].
Seven books, various sizes and conditions.