Lot 236
Tractate Avot, with Commentary Yein Levanon, Berlin 1775 – Signature of Rabbi Meir Lehmann, Rabbi of Mainz
Tractate Avot (Ethics of our Fathers), with commentary Yein Levanon, [by Naphtali Hertz Wessely]. Berlin, 1775. First edition.
Approbations: Rabbi Shaul – Av Beit Din of Ashkenazi community of Amsterdam, Rabbi Yechezkel HaLevi Landau of Prague, author of “Nodah B'Yehuda” and others. A major controversy arose concerning the book and its author being that the author supported Moshe Mendelssohn, father of the Enlightenment Movement. Seven years later, the “Nodah B’Yehuda” himself wrote harsh letters in opposition of Wessely's booklet “Divrei Shalom Ve’Emet”. Surprisingly, this commentary was accepted throughout the Jewish Diaspora and he is quoted in many compilations on Tractate Avot.
Ownership signature “Belongs to Meir Lehmann” – The Ga’on Rabbi Meir Lehmann (1831-1890), rabbi of Mainz, among greatest rabbis of Germany, editor of “Israelite” and leader of struggles of Jewish Orthodoxy in Germany. Composed many books of commentaries on Pirkei Avot, the Bible and books of contemplation and philosophy, in addition to dozens of story books written for the purpose of drawing Jewish youth to reverence of G-d and moral conduct.
[6], 150 leaves; [2] leaves. 33 cm. Elegant copy, wide margins, good-fair condition. Moth damage. Antique leather binding with clasps.
Two leaves containing “second index” added at end of this copy. Rare leaves, not included in all copies.