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Lot 149

Taharat HaKodesh – Belozerka, 1806

Taharat Ha-Kodesh, kabbalistic and mussar practices, two volumes. Rabbi Binyamin Wolf. Belozerka, 1806. Served as a source for many books of practices and kavanot of prayer printed thereafter.
Owners' signatures: "Shimshon ben Avraham HaCohen, of Zvhil". At the end of Volume 1 is a notation of birth from 1810.
Approbation by Aryeh Yehudah Leib ben Shalom Segal of Zbarazh and Volochisk, who signed "traveling to the Holy Land", submitted to the printer when the printing house was founded in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Aryeh Yehudah Leib of Volochisk, a disciple of the Maggid of Mezerich and a leading rabbi in his times. Mechutan of the “Chozeh of Lublin” and of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav. In 1805, he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael with his family and was buried in Safed in 1813 in a cave between the tombs of the Ari and Yosef Caro.
[4], 66 leaves; 58 leaves. 21 cm. Greenish and blue paper. Fair condition. Stains, much wear to margins. Worn binding.
One of only three Hebrew books printed in Belozerka (Ukraine), in a printing press established by the heirs of Rabbi Moshe the Printer in Minkowice. See A. Yaari, The Hebrew Printing Press in Minkowice, Kiryat Sefer, 19, 1942-1943, page 268.