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Lot 143

Toldot Adam – Józefów, 1874

Toldot Adam on the Torah by Rebbe Rabbi Yehoshua of Ostrava. Includes collection from his father, Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Leib of Leczna and collection by Rebbe Rabbi Yerachmiel ofPeshischa. Preface by his son-in-law Rabbi Yitzchak Ya’akov Rabinowitz of Biala. Józefów, 1874. First publication of first edition.
[1], 216, [6] pages. 23.5 cm. Good condition. Binding slightly torn.
Some copies contain additional leaves: 217-234, [7] pages. However, this copy is from the early publication, printed without the added leaves.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 602.