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List of Verdicts of the Portuguese Inquisition – Lisbon, 1749

Lista das pessoas, quesahiraõ, condenações, quetiveraõ, e sentenças, que se léraõ no Auto publico da Fé, que se celebrounaIgreja do convento de S. Domingosdestacidade de Lisboaem 16. Novembro de 1749. [A list of the people, authorizations and verdicts announced at the "auto da fé" ceremony that took place in the Santo Domingo church in the city of Lisbon on November 16, 1749]. Lisbon, 1749. Portuguese.
A list of victims condemned by the inquisition in Lisbon and their penalties as will be announced at the "auto da fé" (act of faith) ceremony – a religious festive rite where the inquisition executed its victims' verdicts. The ceremony will take place in the presence of the inquisitor Nuno De-Conia.
The list has detailed names, ages, occupations and residences of the accused. Most of the people mentioned are Jews accused of "Jewish worship". It is possible to see that the penalties for this sin match the extent the accused shows regret and were determined according to the way the accused responded to the query if this was his first crime. The verdict for a person who confessed to the guilt of being Jewish was five years exile to Angola (then a Portuguese colony), and life-imprisonment. Someone who was accused once and denied being Jewish, or repented from his heresy, was imprisoned for a period of time decided by the court. Someone who denied being Jewish for the third or fourth time was condemned to life imprisonment.
The Portuguese inquisition was established by the request of the King of Portugal and was active from 1536-1821. The first "auto da fé" ceremony in Portugal took place in 1540. In 1497, Portuguese Jews were forcibly baptized and coerced to convert to Christianity. The inquisition pursued the heretics who continued fulfilling Jewish customs as well as any person who deviated from Catholic Christian laws. [4] pages, 31 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains (some dark), creases, minor tears. Professionally restored tears in the connection between pages. Placed in a handsome cardboard binder.