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Lot 394

Passover Texts and Songs – Jewish Brigade

Texts and songs for Passover, handwritten and typewritten. [Italy,
mid 1940s].
1. "Slaves we were – modern version", handwritten song relating to
WW II and the leaders of the fighting powers.
2. "One who knows ", two typewritten drafts. New version of the Passover Haggadah song with references to a Jewish Brigade company. "Twelve who knows?...twelve months of our company, birthday, we hope to celebrate next year in our homeland".
3. Handwritten text concerning the writing of a new version of the Passover Haggadah. "…the reason was the anti-Semitic decrees which forced Jews to get only a small quantity of Matzah for the holiday…H. Polsky felt that this was an opportunity to open a new factory…the aim of it being "Justice and Balance". Shorten the Haggadah according to the number of calories in a Matzah…first of all delete all non-Jewish passages and even delete the passage that does not add honor – "We were slaves". However some Histadrut institutes opposed to this suggestion. They claimed that the Exodus from Egypt has to be remembered".
Total of 9 leaves. Various sizes and condition.