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"Moshavot" in Eretz Israel – Ten Postcards

Ten postcards with photos of "Moshavot" in Eretz Israel
1-8. Postcards produced by "Levanon", Moscow and Warsaw. "Bilu in Gedera", "El Hakerem Lintor" (two different postcards), "Lunch in the field in Poriya", "Yemenites in Ben-Shemen", "Father and sons coming home from work in the orange grove", "Rishon LeZion", and "Ekron". Two postcards are undivided. All of the postcards have not been used.
9. Gedera". Jüdischer Verlag, Cologne. Mailed in 1911.
10. Postcard with a photo of "Kvutzat HaMa'avir" (Petach Tikva)". Central printing press, Warsaw. Has not been used.