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Lot 325

Collection of Non-Traditional Haggadahs – Schools and Educational Institutes

Nineteen Haggadahs of schools and educational institutes in Eretz Israel, 1950s-60s. *Mikveh Israel, grade "A", 1950. * Beit Hinuch Givat HaShlosha, 1952 (Haggadah for ending of school-year). *Borochov school, 1954. * Ayanot, year of 1954. *Vitkin school, Tel-Aviv, 1955. * Vitkin school, 1955, 1957, 1958 + additional Haggadah with no date + Haggadah of 1961. *Tel-Nordau school, 1957. * Tichon Ironi Alef, grade 10/3, 1956. *"Hacarmel" school.* Piness school, Gedera.* School in Shikun Ovdey HaChashmal, Givataiym.* A.D. Gordon school, Givatayim.* "LeDugma" – Henrietta Szold school, Tel-Aviv, 1957. * "HaGefen" school, Ramar-Gan, 1960.* "Maboim" regional school.
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