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Lot 241

Study Well – Mendele Mocher Seforim – First Edition – Warsaw, 1862

"Limdu Haytev, hu sippur ahavim", Part I, by Shalom Ya'akov Ben-Haim Moshe Abramovich [Mendele Mocher Seforim]. Warsaw, 1862.
The story was later adapted and printed under the title "HeAvot VeHaBanim" (Odessa, 1868), with many alterations. This is the first edition of Mendele's second book, in which he describes the generation gap between fathers and sons: the dynamic life of the young generation versus the decaying life of the old generation. On the lining leaf: "first printing, very rare". [5], 75 pp, 16 cm. Good condition. Stains. Ink stamps. Cloth binding.