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Lot 211

Publications concerning Typography / Bibliophilia / Henri Friedlaender

1. Aus der praxis einer wiener offizin, zwölf ausgewählte schriftgarmituren der Buchdruckerei Jahoda & Siegel in ihrer Anwendung. Vienna, [1930]. German. Promotional pamphlet issued by the printers Hahoda&Siegel.
2. Emil Hirsch zum 14. März 1936. [Munich, 1936]. Booklet in honor of Emil Hirsch (1866-1954), an antiquarian and owner of auction house on his 70th birthday. Printed in 25 copies only.
3. Een Legendarisch Gesprek. Chapter of Tamid tractate in the Babylonian Talmud, where Alexander the Great is mentioned, translated into Dutch. A bibliophilic publication designed and published by the typographer Henri Friedlaender, 1941.
4-5. Die Entstehung meiner Hadassah-Hebräisch, Henri Friedlaender. Hamburg, 1967. German. Booklet concerning the "Hadassah" letters by Friedlaender. A promotional leaflet for the "Hadassah" letters is attached at the end of the booklet. * Additional booklet with the same name, concerning the typography of Friedlaender.
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