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Lot 434

Responsa Letter by Rabbi Shalom Taubash Av Beit Din of Botosani

Letter containing Halachic response on Even Ha’ezer, by the Ga’on Rabbi Shalom Taubash Av Beit Din of Botosani, 26 Shvat 1875.
The letter is unsigned, however the response appears with slight variations in his book: Responsa “She’ilat Shalom – Tanina”, chapter 29 (Lvov, 1885). The Ga’on Rabbi Shalom Taubash (1825-1889), among the greatest Torah giants of his generation (for additional information related to him see: Encyclopedia of Chassidism, III, p. 64-68). Grandson and disciple of the Ga’on Rabbi Aharon Moshe Taubash Av Beit Din of Yasi. Son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim of Kolomiya (grandson of Rebbes Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Nadvorna author of "Tzemach HaShem LeTzvi" and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev).
4 pages, 21 cm. Dry paper, fair condition, tears on folds and leaf margins.