Lot 399
Bundle of Letters by the Rebbe of Zmigrod Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam and Rabbi Ben Tzion Chai Uziel
A bundle of letters by the Rebbe of Zmigrod Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam, and documents signed by Chief Rabbi Ben Tzion Chai Uziel and Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam, in regard to the Rebbe's travels, as an emissary of Rabbi Uziel, for fundraising in the Far East. Bombay (India), Singapore and Sydney (Australia). 1947.
Interesting letters, one is a detailed long letter (9 pages) with many details of his travels including a description of the state of Jewry in Bombay and in the Jewish camps of Afghanistan refugees.
Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam Rebbe of Zmigrod (1891-1981), son of Rebbe Sinai of Zmigrod, fled from the Nazi inferno via Siberia and Tehran [he was involved in the "Yaldei Tehran" affair] and he reached Jerusalem. After some time, he moved to the US where he established his beit midrash. His renowned sons are Rabbi Sinai Rabbi of Zmigrod NY and Rabbi Baruch Shimshon Rabbi of Rudnik NY.
6 letters and documents, varied size, good conditions.