Lot 390
Collection of Letters and Manuscripts by Rebbes of Hassidic Dynasty of Slonim: "Yesod Ha’Avodah", "Divrei Shmuel", "Beit Avraham", Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim and The "Birkat Avraham".
Large and important collection of letters by Rebbes of Slonim, copies of their Torah discourses, letters by Hassidic giants and various documents relating to Slonim Hassidism and its institutions. Collection includes:
* Two leaves of Torah discourse in holy handwriting of first Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg author of "Yesod Ha’Avodah" and "Be’er Avraham" (1804-1883), one dated 1881.
* Important and unknown letter from 1858, by elderly of Hassidim, Rabbi Yosef of Dzialoszyce, who invites the public to participate in the coronation of the "Yesod Ha’Avodah" after the demise of their rabbi and mentor, Rebbe Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin, during that year, when the majority of Hassidim of Lechovitch-Kobrin flocked after the prominent Rabbi Avraham Weinberg of Slonim (minority followed Rebbes of Lechovitch, Kobrin and Koidanov). In this historical letter he writes that the majority of the Hassidim will gather for Rosh HaShana and holidays by “Rabbi Avraham of Slonim…”, and he continues writing harshly against Rabbi of Koidanov and people of Chabad.
~ The holy Rabbi Yosef Dzialoszyce (passed away in Slonim on Tishrei 1858, Encyclopedia of Hassidism II, p 108), among Hassidic luminaries of Lithuania, closely associated with Rabbi Mordechai and his son Rabbi No’ach of Lechovitch. Among prominent Hassidim of Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin and disciple of Rabbi Avraham of Slonim. Holy and humble man to whom miracles and revelations of divine spirit are attributed.
* Signed letter and several leaves in holy handwriting of second Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg author of "Divrei Shmuel" (1850-1916).
* 12 letters by third Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the second) of Baranovich, author of "Beit Avraham" (1884-1933). All written and signed in his holy handwriting (except for one which was sent by him without a signature). Letters include a lengthy letter (of 7 pages) sent to Hassidim in Eretz Israel following the 1929 Palestine riots.
* 4 letters by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua (1913-1943, perished in the Holocaust). Three of the four signed in his holy handwriting.
* Two letters in handwriting of Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Kastelanitz-Slonim (1868-1953). One letter signed in his holy handwriting. * Draft of letter of coronation written by Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria, crowning the elderly Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim as Rebbe of Slonim [following the Holocaust in which majority of families of Rebbes residing in Poland were killed].
* 6 letters written and signed in holy handwriting (as well as some unsigned letters), of Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the third) author of "Birkat Avraham" (1889-1981). Letters contain content which is of major historical significance to matters pertaining to Agudat Yisrael and other matters.
* Manuscript of Hassidic discourse, from 1874, in handwriting of Rabbi Yehuda Kastelanitz-Slonim (nephew of the "Yesod Ha’Avodah". Immigrated to Tiberias and was prominent Hassid of Slonim. His son is Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim and his son-in-law is the Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Kliers). * Copies of articles of Hassidism by the "Divrei Shmuel" and the "Beit Avraham" (some dated), some apparently in handwriting of the righteous Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Midner. * Letters by Rabbi Moshe Kliers rabbi of Tiberias, Rabbi Tzvi (Hirsch) Luria of Tiberias and his sons Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria and Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria, Rabbi Ezriel Zelig Lieder and others. * Letters by Hassidim of Poland and by Hassidim who traveled from Tiberias to Hassidic courts of Slonim in Baranovich and
Bialystok. * Important letter by Rabbi Ya’akov Sander Greenberg, with detailed description of most recent illness of Rebbe Rabbi Yissachar Leib Weinberg in 1928. * Letters regarding immigration from Poland to Eretz Israel (including recommendation upon official stationery of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook for immigration of Rebbe Rabbi Shalom No’ach Brozofsky to Eretz Israel). * Documents and letters pertaining to matters of management of Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. * More.
Over 100 leaves (approx. 90 items). Various sizes and conditions.