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Lot 384

Collection of Books with Inscriptions and Signatures of Rabbis and Rebbes

Collection of books with signatures and stamps of rabbis and rebbes, including inscriptions of authors.
Rabbis included: Rabbi Moshe Sofer – son of the "Ktav Sofer"; Rebbe Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Meir Hager Av Beit Din of Vishova-Tel Aviv; Rebbe Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Stropkov; Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Taub of Kaliv; Rabbi Ya’akov Newman Rosh Yeshiva of "Ohr Yisrael"; Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapiro Rosh Yeshiva of "Be’er Ya’akov"; others.
18 books. Various sizes and conditions.