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Mishnayot with Glosses – Four Volumes

Mishnayot Rav Pninim, with commentaries Kav V'Naki, Zera Yisrael and Tosfot Sheni L'Tzion. Four sedarim: Nashim, Nezikin, Kodshim, Taharot. Warsaw, 1907.
Dozens of glosses in flowing Ashkenazi handwriting, on sheet margins, title pages and binding leaves. Content of glosses: explanations and novellae, summaries and various lists. Most comments have dates of writing between 1918-1939. The comments and dates show that the writer reviewed his studies a number of times. In the volume Kodshim, the writer signs his name and the name of his father and mother: "Moshe Leib (Moshe Aryeh) son of Rabbi Menachem Zvi and Chaya Zissel". On the volume of Seder Taharot [which is customary to study in memory of the dead] he listed the dates of his family members' yartzeits. One of his glosses on Tractate Avot is signed with his initials.
4 volumes, 15 cm. Dry paper, good-fair condition. Volume Nezikin is missing title pages and other leaves of the introduction. Original covers, worn and damaged.