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Lot 341

Shliach Tzibur Machzor for Yom Kippur, Vienna, 1811 – Signature and Many Glosses in Handwriting of Bibliographer Rabbi Chaim Michel of Hamburg

Machzor for Yom Kippur, as customary in Poland, Mehren, Pihem, Hager. Includes laws and commentaries. Huge elegant edition designated for the Shlicach Tzibur. Vienna, [1811].
Signature of Rabbi “Chaim son of Rabbi Yosef, Hamburg, 17 Elul 1826”. Inscription in handwriting of his son: “In memory of the soul of my brother, community leader, Rabbi Eliezer Tzuriel; I have given this Machzor as a gift to the Beit Midrash of community leader Rabbi Yechiel Wallach, 26 Nisan 1899. Yechiel Michel son of Rabbi Chaim son of Rabbi Yosef Michel”. Stamps of “Beit Midrash of community leader Rabbi Yechiel Wallach” [ancient Kloiz in Altona-Hamburg].
Many glosses in handwriting (Rashi script) of Rabbi Chaim Michel, who apparently served as a Shliach Tzibur. Glosses contain Halachic discussions and customs (with Halachic sources); numerous version corrections. In a few places he copies commentaries and versions from an ancient manuscript of a commentary of the Krovatz [initials] from 1318.
Rabbi Chaim son of Rabbi Yosef Michel (1792-1846, Scholars of Altona Hamberg Wandsbek, p 116-117), exalted Torah scholar and well-known bibliographer, son-in-law of his teacher and rabbi Chief Av Beit Din Rabbi Eliezer Lazi Berlin. Author of the books "Ohr HaChaim" and" Otzrot Chaim". His book treasury contained approximately 6,000 books and 1,300 manuscripts. [His rare book collection was sold to the British Museum Library in London and the manuscript collection was sold to the Oxford Library]. This Machzor is the personal Machzor which remained with his family members and was donated by them to the “Kloiz” library in Hamburg.
[2], 54, 118 leaves. 36.5 cm. Quality paper, good condition. Original damaged leather binding.