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Lot 220

Ketubah Upon Parchment – Ferrara, 1837

“Matza Isha Matza Tov” – Ketubah of marriage of groom Moshe Ya’akov Bassano and bride Tzarfit Suzana daughter of Rabbi Yona Veniciani. Ferrara (Italy), Sivan [1837].
Handwriting upon parchment, scribe writing. Frame composed of verses of Tehillim (chapter 128).
Signed as witnesses: Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Fintzi [among scholars of Ferrara, son-in-law of Rabbi Ya’akov Chai Recanati], and Rabbi Yitzchak Eliyahu Menachem Ascoli [author of Sefer Reshit Da’at, Livorno 1841].
Parchment leaf. 33.5 cm. Good condition, folding marks. Few stains, several holes.