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Lot 153

Tractate Niddah and Seder Taharot – Amsterdam, 1647 – Signatures and Notations by Scholars of Aram-Tzova

Tractate Niddah of the Babylonian Talmud, and Mishnayot Seder Taharot. Amsterdam, (1647). Printing press of Emmanuel Benbenishti.
Many ownership signatures by scholars of Aram-Tzova: “Young Moshe Altras”; Young Moshe [Tzedek] Sathon”; “Last relative, the pauper Avraham Mahana HaLevi”. Last leaf contains lengthy list in Italian handwriting and list of Kabbalistic prayer according to order of letters in verse “Vihi No’am” [apparently written by one of scholars of Altras family members who arrived in Aram-Tzova from Italy].
88 leaves; 163 leaves. 27.5 cm. Good-fair condition, stains and wear, moth damage. Ancient damaged leather binding.