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Four Books – Zhitomir

Four books of printing press of grandsons of Rabbi of Slavita in Zhitomir: * Sefer Zichru Toraht Moshe, laws of Shabbat. Rabbi Avraham Danzig author of "Chayei Adam". Zhitomir, 1847. (Missing 2 leaves at end of book). * Sefer Maginei Eretz, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim including commentaries. Section II [chapters 429-697. Zhitomir, 1864. * Sefer HaMagid, second section of Nevi’im Rishonim [Melachim, Divrei HaYamim]. Zhitomir, 1865. * Chumash Shmot, with Unkelos translation, commentary of Rashi, Ba’al HaTurim and Siftei Chachamim, including Kitzur Alshich. Zhitomir, 1860. (Incomplete. Missing Haftarot and prayers at end).
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