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Shulchan Aruch with Vilna Ga’on Commentary – First Editions

* Eshle Ravreve, Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah. With Vilna Ga’on commentary. Hrodna, (1806). First edition (printed by sons of Vilna Ga’on). Winograd, Otzar Sifrei HaGra 749.
176 leaves. 35 cm. Blue paper, good condition. Minor moth damage. Ancient leather binding.
* Toraht Kohanim, Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat with Vilna Ga’on Commentary. First section. Koenigsberg [1855]. First edition of Vilna Ga’on commentary on Choshen Mishpat. Winograd, Otzar Sifrei HaGra 756.
[1], 332 leaves. Approx. 39 cm. Quality paper, good-fair condition, Minor moth damage. [Stamp of Rabbi “Ya’akov Mazah”?]. New binding.