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Lot 435

Sefer Evronot / Machar Chodesh - Handwritten Additions and Corrections

Sefer Evronot, astronomy and new moons. Offenbach, [1722]. Illustrated title page.
[2], 20 leaves (incomplete and damaged copy, originally: [2], 40 leaves). Old, semi-leather binding.
Bound with the Machar Chodesh, by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Rimini (Rabbi in Firenze). Talmudic novellae, interpretations and explanations on the topics of Kiddush Ha-Chodesh (sanctification of the month), Tekufot and new moons, insights on some of the teachings of the Mateh Dan [authored by Rabbi David Nitto of London]. Firenze, 1794.
[1], 42, [1] leaves. 19.5 cm. Light, high quality paper, good-fair condition. Moth damage. Additions and corrections in Eastern-Italian handwriting. Rabbinical, ornate signature.