Lot 347
Engagement Contract of the Ktav Sofer's Daughter
Document of marriage contract and tena'im, of the groom R' Refael Deitsch and his father Rabbi Mendel, with the bride and her father Rabbi Shmuel Wolf Sofer. Pressburg, April 1855.
The document is written in German and signed by Rabbi Shmuel Wolf, Av Beit Din: Rabbi Menachem Mendel and his son the groom Faul (Refael); the bride Regina (Rachel). Witnesses: Rabbi Mendel Cohen (disciple of the Chatam Sofer, scribe and community trustee of Pressburg); Rabbi David Neiman (Head of Pressburg Beit Din, author of Nir L'David).
Rabbi Refael HaLevi Deitsch, son of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Nִƒpradea, married the daughter of his rabbi, author of "Ktav Sofer", Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer (called Rabbi Shmuel Wolf). They lived in Schopfloch and had five sons and a daughter. After he died at a young age, his wife remarried her cousin Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Weiss Av Beit Din of Lִƒpuֵ and Dִ…browa (died 1897 and she died in 1907, Igrot Sofrim Volume 2 page 86 note). See: HaChatam Sofer V'Talmidav, page 538.
Three pages, 34 cm. Good-fair condition, restored damage to paper folds, stamped government postage stamps at top of document, in fancy leather cover.
Hebrew [partial] translation of document attached.