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Moises Faigenblum / Mauricio Minkowski - Two Art Books from Argentina

1. Moises Faigenblum, Araynfir fun Pinhas Bisberg. Buenos Aires: Muzey Sektsie fun Yidishn Visnshaftlekhn Institute [YIVO in Argentina], 1948. Twenty-one reproductions in black and white. Handwritten dedication by Faigenblum to the poet Avraham Sutzkever. Good condition. Damaged binding.
2. Minkowski. 37 Reproduktsyes in Shvarts-Vays mit an Araynfir-Vort [Mauricio Minkowski, 37 Black and White Reproductions, with introduction by] Dr. L. Zsianitsky. Buenos Aires: Yidishn Visnshaftlekhn Institute - YIVO, 1955. Introduction and biography of Minkowski (1881-1930) in Yiddish, Spanish and Hebrew. Good condition. Damaged binding.