Lot 138
Compensation Laws for Victims of the Nazi Regime - Booklets in Hebrew and German
1. Rֳ¼ckerstattung von Vermֳ¶gen an opfer der Nazi-Unterdrֳ¼ckung in Berlin [return of property to victims of the Nazi oppression in Berlin]. Berlin: Konard Gubalke Publishing, 1949. German. An early booklet concerning the return of property confiscated by the Nazis during the war. 64 pp, 30 cm. Folded leaves, not bound. Good condition, tears at borders.
2. Law (West Germany) for compensation of victims of the Nazi regime. Booklet, duplicated. Tel Aviv: Y.K. Papenheim Publishing, [1957]. Hebrew. Cover-title page, 50, [2] pp, 23 cm. Good condition. Library ink stamps. Bound in simple cardboard binding.
3. Bundesentschֳ₪digungsgesetz in der Fassung des Zweiten Gesetzes zur Aenderung des Bundesentschֳ₪digungsgesetzes, BEG-Schlussgesetz vom 14. September 1965 / mit einem Leitfaden von L. H. Farnborough. Dֳ¼sseldorf, 1965. 136 pp, 23 cm. Fair condition. Detached cover and leaves. Attached: newspaper cuttings.