Lot 97
Two Memorial Postcards - Germany, Post World War II
Befreiungsfeier Dachau 1947 [Dachau Liberation Celebration 1947]. Postcard printed by the Union of People Persecuted by the Nazi Regime to commemorate the liberation of the camp. Munich, May 1947. Illustration: Gerhard Kreische. 10.5x14.5 cm. Good condition. Stains.
2. Baustein, card printed by Kuratorium fֳ¼r den Aufbau nationaler Gedenkstֳ₪tten in Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen und Ravensbrֳ¼ck - Board of Trustees for the construction of a national monument in Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrֳ¼ck. [Germany, ca. 1955]. 15X10.5 cm, very good condition. Blank on reverse side.