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Lot 474

Archive of Letters and Documents - Rabbi Reuven Katz and his Family

A large and varied archive, composed of letters and documents from the home of Rabbi Reuven Katz Rabbi of Petach Tikva and his family.
The archive is composed of letters and documents of Rabbi Katz, letters written to him by Rabbis and public figures; letters sent to him during 1913-1928, of comments and insights provoked by his book Degel Reuven; a letter from the Petach Tikva Municipality about his acceptance of the city's rabbinate in 1931; letters by Rabbi Ze'ev Gold the President of Mizrachi regarding Rabbi Katz's opposition to appeals for JNF; correspondence with the Kohelet Organization about its abstention from supporting Yeshivat Petach Tikva; an agreement before marriage with his son in law Zvi Harkabi and various documents of Zvi Harkabi; a family protocol about an inheritance; rabbinical court rulings; letters to his son Rabbi Shimon Katz etc.
More than 50 paper items, varied size and condition.