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Lot 398

Sefer HaEmunot - Ferrara, 1556 - Signatures and Glosses - Rabbi Tevli Shei'ir and Rabbi Wolf Hindheim

Sefer HaEmunot, on beliefs and values and opposition to philosophy, by Rabbi Shem Tov Ebn Shem Tov. Ferrara, 1556. Handwritten signature: Tevli Shei'ir".
On title page, signature of Wolf Heindheim, on book leaves glosses and correction, inscriptions on binding leaves, apparently in the handwriting of Rabbi Wolf Heindheim.
Rabbi [Ya'akov Moshe David] Teveli Shei'ir (died 1783, Ishim B'Tshuvot Chatam Sofer, 297) served in his youth as dayan in the Beit Din of the Pnei Yehoshua in Frankfurt am Main and from 1868 as Rabbi of Mainz (Magentza). Teacher of the Chatam Sofer, who studied for two years in the Mainz Yeshiva, run by his son Rabbi Michel (see: Item 200).
Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf Heidenheim - The Raveh (1757-1832), a commentator, linguist and renowned mesorah researcher. In his printing press in Redelheim, he printed his books on Hebrew grammer, his exact chumashim according to the mesorah, and his famous machzorim Sefer Krovot, in which he contributed much to the research and preservation of the piyutim of Ashkenazi communities. (The Chatam Sofer approbated his books and praised them. The Chatam Sofer often brings the commentary and glosses of the "Chacham Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim" in his sermons and writings.)
116 leaves. 19.5 cm. Good condition, stains. Title page partially missing and restored. Written binding leaves have damages from the old binding. New binding.