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Three Books with Glosses

1. Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat (Torat Kohanim), Vol.2, Ostraha, [1801]. (Fungal damage on first leaves). Dozens of handwritten glosses [from the 19th century].
2. Sha'ar Mishpat on Hoshen Mishpat, with the Sha'ar De'ah on Hilchot Ribit, Yoreh De'ah. By Rabbi Israel Isser, Av Beit Din of Venice. Koenigsberg (1860). Captions and ink-stamps from Rabbi"Mordechai Yampel, Av Beit Din of Wolowe Region" and from"Rabbi Moshe Astreicher, Av Beit Din of Champa". Over thirty handwritten scholarly glosses (some faded due to moisture, but still decipherable). [Rabbi Mordechai Yampel, of the Ziditchov Hasidim, served as Av Beit Din of Maidan and served as rabbi of the nearby town of Wolowe. Rabbi Moshe David Astreicher 1883-1954, rabbi and Av Beit Din of Champa, Munkatch, Arad and Brooklyn for 50 years. Author of the Siah Adam responsum].
3. Yad Meir Responsum, First Section. Rabbi David Meir Frisch, Av Beit Din of Berzan. Lemberg,1881. Two title pages and approx. twenty glosses, ink-stamps and signature by Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Birscht [Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Blendwin-Shapira (1906-1942, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 17480), grandson of the"Bnei Issachar" and the"Noam Elimelech". Headed the Yeshiva of Munkatch. Read more about him M. Wender, Encyclopedia of Galicia Vol. 5 p.532].
Varying sizes, good-fair conditions.