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Lot 192

Tzurat HaBayit by the Vilna Ga'on / Seder Zemanim

1. Sefer Tzurat HaAretz LeGvuloteha Saviv VeTochnit HaBayit, Vilna Ga'on commentary on verses of Sefer Yehoshua, Melachim and Yechezkel [with the text], concerning the borders of Eretz Israel and the layout of the Temple. Shklov, [1802]. First edition. Missing map, blue paper, moth damages. Ownership signatures:"Yitzchak son of Rabbi Yekutiel Zalman of Krakow - who resides in Gambin¦","Meir [Shimon] son of the deceased Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Dayan in Gambin¦ 183- [Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik son of Rabbi Yekutiel Zalman was chief Av Beit Din of Gambin (Poland) for approximately forty years, passed way at the age of 63 in 1834 - for additional information related to him see preface of book Nefesh Tova by his son Rabbi Pinchas Naftali of Khust (Hungary), where his epitaph is presented].
2. Sefer Seder Zemanim, by Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Chaver Av Beit Din of Tiktin. Warsaw, 1844. First edition. (Greenish paper, good condition).