Lot 603
Journals for She'erit Hapleita in Germany, 1946-1949
11 Issues of journals printed for She'erit Hapleita in Germany. Munich, Regensburg and Bergen Belsen, 1946-1949. Yiddish and German.
Some in quality printing with photographs, other were typewritten and stenciled: informatsye bulletin/ Yediot HaTnu'a, Brit HaZionut Harevisionistit HaMeuchedet in Germnay; undzer front natsyonale tsveyvokhenshrift (paper of the Revionist Zionists in the British zone ); bulletin nr. 9 – a briv fun mifleget po'aley Eretz Israel; Undzer veg; undzer shtime; zionistishe shtime; velt shpigl; Judische Rundschau. Various sizes and conditions.